Finding the right resources to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures can be hard. Together with the TCFD, we have launched a Knowledge Hub to support businesses implement the TCFD recommendations.

Visit the TCFD Knowledge Hub at
The last 10 months have been very busy for those who have embarked on being the first to apply the TCFD recommendations in their mainstream reporting practices. As we collaborated with many of these organizations to align their reports with the recommendations, it became clear that the market is unaware of the variety of resources that can be helpful in their climate-related financial reporting journey.
The reason for this is not a lack of expertise, but rather that:
- useful materials are often new with limited public awareness of their existence; or
- resources were published before the recommendations and their links to the TCFD have often not been publicly acknowledged.
This is why we joined forces with the TCFD and developed the TCFD Knowledge Hub, a new platform providing all the latest resources, tools and insights on the TCFD recommendations.
Who is it for?
The Hub has been designed for a variety of users, no matter where organizations are in their reporting journey or which sector they operate in. For users who are new to the TCFD recommendations, the Hub helps them gain a clear understanding of the recommendations and recommended disclosures. For users already working towards the implementation of the TCFD, the Hub provides resources addressing the recommendations in general as well as specific topics within the recommended disclosures.
For example, you will be able to dive in the topic of scenario analysis, guiding you through the TCFD’s Technical Supplement on the subject, as well as highlighting specific scenarios currently available and examples of organizations conducting this type of analysis.
What is on the Hub?
At the time of its launch, the TCFD Knowledge Hub contains:
- over 350 resources published by more than 210 authors;
- 47 frameworks or standards of reporting;
- over 30 pieces of legislation;
- 50 resources that cut across the four thematic areas of the recommendations.
TCFD Knowledge Hub resources by thematic area:
More than just a database
The TCFD Hub is intended to be much more than a mere resource database. A key objective of the Hub is to facilitate the sharing of experiences and peer-to-peer learning. Understanding how peers are approaching implementation makes this journey less daunting. Sharing experiences can also help to create effective and efficient solutions. We are collecting case studies from organizations working towards the TCFD recommendations and strongly encourage any organization to get in touch with us to contribute and share their experience.
We are also collecting information on upcoming events and webinars that will look at the themes of the TCFD recommendations. These too are intended to facilitate the sharing of experiences and peer-to-peer learning, especially for organizations interested to learn more about a particular topic.
How to contribute
The Hub is not a static snapshot of current resources out there and will continually be updated to support movement along the TCFD’s illustrative implementation path.
Over time, the body of knowledge related to the financial implications associated with the transition to a lower-carbon economy will grow. This will enhance an organization’s ability to assess climate-related risks and opportunities, will inform stakeholders of how the organization is positioning itself, and will allow for the more efficient allocation of capital.
We welcome the contribution of resources to grow the TCFD Knowledge Hub here.
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